Bir muhendis icin en onemli olan sey bir problemi cozup cozemedigidir.Onun icin bu problemi cozmenin kadar zaman alacagi ve ne kadara mal olacagi pek onemli degildir. Bir is adami icin en onemli olan sey ise bir problemi ne kadar ucuza cozebilecegidir. Bunlara ilaveten bir satis temsilcisi […]
From Master’s project to commercial business
An interview with Göteborg Daily… Erman Turan is a 28-year-old student from Turkey. He is in the middle of his second master’s program in Gothenburg, and in the start up phase of his own company. – I work like 60-80 hours per week now, but […]
Hello world…
Merhaba… Eger su anda bu yaziyi okuyorsaniz, buyuk ihtimalle girisimcilik, inovasyon ve start-up sirketleri ilginizi cekiyor. Umarim gelecek The herbal mixture or combination of 4T Plus capsules is great for impotence natural purchase levitra cure. The cheapest tadalafil india buying this chief ingredient is sildenafil […]